Because it is easier to beg forgiveness than ask for permission.
Because the worst-case scenario seems to be only a starting point.
Because of the avalanche of lies that has moved the moral compass.
Because of the incredible denials that occur on behalf of special interests.
Because chaos is not any way to run a government.
Because if the rule of law is ignored, then what is the point of our democracy?
Because narcissism left unchecked is a dangerous thing.
Because allegiance is earned, not assumed.
Because stall tactics prevent real accountability.
Because the public can no longer identify news from opinion.
Because the damage to the genuine truth seems irreparable.
Because the system has been gamed to the extreme.
Because the general populace has been numbed from daily scandal after scandal.
Because the whole of it leads to a feeling of nervous exhaustion.
Because the rich and powerful continue to rule from the swamp.
Because religion can be interpreted to suit the situation at hand.
Because international agents have successfully interfered with our government.
Because a Senate majority has followed in spineless lockstep, putting partisan power ahead of conscience and constitutional ethics.
Because blatant obstruction is spun as inconsequential.
Because the courts are loaded with partisan judges with questionable objectives.
Because down is up and up is down.
Because a clown parade of party officials and appointees rotate through serious indictments.
Because the qualified ones include slimeballs and miscreants.
Because the unqualified ones seem to be everywhere else.
Because patriotism is now the opposite of a love of the country.
Because fascination with celebrity is seen as a rebellious check on power.
Because the blind are leading the blind.
Because a major network spews propaganda on behalf of the West Wing’s agenda.
Because the country is being run like a crime family.
Because there is no dog in the White House, literally.
Because kindness and empathy seem to be on the wane, while hatred is on the rise.
Because the media is in daily danger when pursuing the truth.
Because of an ever growing lack of decency and civility.
Because there seems no end in sight.
“As a journalism instructor, it is daily evident to me how much modern culture has eroded the truth into some sort of cobbled collective of hearsay and conspiracy theory, with a hefty dose of political propaganda thrown into the mix as well. Fact is often fiction — or is it the other way around? At any rate, it is not productive - the confusing rhetoric lowers our morale, and the once noble pursuit of the truth has become more elusive than ever, a frustrated shouting match of party lines, tweets, and sound bites that damages the psyche through vitriol and bombast in lieu of substance. Perhaps something as critical as the current situation will force us back in the direction of the truth, as it really is a life and death situation. ”